How to reach Deoghar
Deoghar is located in north-eastern part of Jharkhand. It is well connected to rest of the India by rail. Road transport is also a good option to reach to Deoghar, however less buses are available from major cities. One has to get their on vehicle if they want to use Road transport.Rail:-
Nearest Railway station is Baidyanath Dham, which is a branch line from Jasidih. At present, only one express trains originate from Baidyanath Dham (BDME) station, which is Baidyanath Dham-Ranchi Intercity express in the morning at 5am. Rest of the train which starts from Baidyanath Dham are EMUs (local train).
Jasidih is the main station for Deoghar/Baidyanath Dham and is about 7 km from Deoghar. Jasidih is situated on Howra-Patna-Delhi main line. All the trains are having their stopage at Jasidih. Reservation counters are available at Jasidih Staion and Baidyanath Dham Station. Alternatively, train tickets can also be reserved at Head Post-Office, which is very near to Tower chowk.
Nearest airport is Patna 230 km which is well connected with rest of the country. Nowadays, many low cost carrier are providing services from the major city of India to Patna. Once you reach Patna, get a train to Jasidih.
Kolkata is also a good option for Air travel. It is about 340 km from Jasidih. Frequent flights are available from most of the cities. Also several trains are available from there to Jasidih.
Another near airport to Deoghar is Ranchi Airport, which is also having regular flight from the major city of India. However connectivity from Ranchi to Deoghar is not as good as that of Patna and Kolkata. Their are only two express trains, which connects Ranchi to Deoghar. If you book get a flight so that you can avail train to Deoghar, its good. Else chose Patna or Kolkata route.
Regular direct bus services are available from Bhagalpur, Hazaribagh, Ranchi, Jamshedpur, Bokaro, Gaya.
From Jasidih to Deoghar:-
Shared Trekkers (very similar to Jeep) or shared auto-rickshaw are available from Jasidih to Deoghar. These shared trekker accomodated 14-20 people and charge a fair of about Rs 12/- each person.
One can also avail the facility of booked auto rickshaw or cars from Jasidih to Deoghar. These booked Auto Rickshaw will charge you from Rs 60 to Rs 100 and they are unmetered vehicles and you will have to negotiate with them before you avail their transportation.
Local Transport:-
Cycle Rickshaw is most used mode of transport in Deoghar. Auto rickshaws and hired cars are also available. You can easily hire Cars/Auto Rickshaw near to Tower Chowk. Cycle Rickshaw can be hired from any location.
Tanga also also an attraction for tourist. It is a cart, pulled by a horse. Tanga can be booked from Tower Chowk.
Rates for Local Transport:-
Tanga:- Rs 400 a day
Auto Rickshaw:- Rs 500 a day
Hired Cars:- Rs 700 to Rs 1000 a day.